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Answered By Library Staff Last Updated: Jul 11, 2024 Views: 106
Depending on what article type your assignment requires, there are a few ways to find articles on this topic. Our Discovery Catalog searches through a lot of our databases all at once and is found on our library homepage (big main search bar). It can be a good place to start to cast a wide net to see what is available. It will even find items the library doesn't own, but can possibly get via interlibrary loan (ILL) – though you can limit those results out after doing a search to items just held by the TCC Library. ILL is a free service for TCC students and employees. Here is an FAQ that teaches you how to use the catalog.
After doing a search in Discovery, you can limit to the source type you are needing (articles, books, video, etc.) on the left side and even to specific dates. If searching for a peer-reviewed article, you can even limit to that!
For a list of all of our databases, some of which Discovery will search through automatically, see the "Articles & Databases" link off the library website.
- Recommended step if using this route: Click on the Subjects & Topics drop-down menu.
- Subject categories include Health Sciences and Psychology. Examples of article databases for this topic would include Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition (EBSCOhost) or PsycARTICLES (ProQuest).
- The databases can be searched with the keywords "cardiac disease and depression" or other variations in your search string (here's some tips).
- Optional:
To filter your results, try limiting your results to "full text" or changing the date range.
You can also limit your results to scholarly articles.
For tips on how to search in our databases and catalog, we recommend this FAQ.
If searching on the web, here’s some FAQ that we find helpful to limit to a credible source or help you refine your search:
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