Answered By Library Staff
Last Updated: Jun 07, 2024     Views: 392

The library's Discovery Catalog Search searches more than just TCC Library's holdings. It searches through a lot of TCC's databases all at once, as well as other library systems for items we can borrow from those institutions in a process called "interlibrary loan," or "ILL." This is another way of providing you access to materials. 

If the item is something TCC owns, it will say "Held by Tulsa Community College Library" and will tell you the location (campus and collection), plus the call number if it is a physical item in circulation. It will allow you to place a hold on the item via the blue button, as seen here:

If the item is not something the TCC library owns, it will present you with an option to ILL, which is a free service to you. You can learn more about ILL via the links below. The ILL button will look like this (under the "Availability & Access" section on the right, after clicking into a search result item):

The catalog will also list nearby libraries which hold the title, as the below video shows (no audio in video). You might be able to use those libraries through something like the OK-Share Card program