Answered By Library Staff
Last Updated: May 21, 2024     Views: 364

You can request that an item be placed on hold for you by following these steps:

  1. Go to our library website, and do a Discovery Catalog Search. 

  2. Search for the book or item in the search bar (it's the online catalog)

  3. Click Search, then, if necessary, use limiters on the side to find your item

  4. Click the title of the book or item to go into the result and look for the blue Place Hold button as an access option

  5. Click on the Place Hold button and follow the directions to reserve your book. You can choose to pick up your book at any TCC campus. Please keep in mind if our materials do not circulate, placing a hold might not be an option. If we do not own an item, it will prompt you to place an interlibrary loan request instead. 

  6. (!) We suggest not entering any "needed by" dates or asking for a specific campus copy, because we will not pull the item until the date you specify, meaning you might not get it by your actual need by date if we haven't pulled it until then (the language on that is something we do not have permission to change, sorry about the confusion!). If no specific campus copy is needed, we can pull a copy from any available campus, so you do not need to specify that either:                                do not select need by date

You will receive an e-mail when your book is ready and waiting for you on the hold shelf!

It usually takes 24-48 hours for the book to arrive, depending on a number of factors (such as when the carrier picks up mail and when the material can be pulled).