Answered By Library Staff
Last Updated: May 31, 2024     Views: 329

If you deleted the ILL email explaining how to access or cannot find it, don't fear! You can get back to your ILL requests.

Log in to your library account and go to the "Requests" tab. See this FAQ for more details on how to access your library account if unsure. This is also the area where you will see an option to renew the ILLs you have checked out. 

Once there, you will see the ILL request and on the right side will be a view link that, once clicked, will start a download of the file (do NOT click on the title):



If there is no view link, then the copy request is not ready yet or it was supplied as an Open Access (OA) link via email. If OA, then no copy was made because it is available free online. Please check your email from the system instead or, if you have deleted the OA email, you can Google the article title and likely find a link to it. If you're still having trouble, you can ask the interlibrary loan librarians to resend (the general library staff cannot do this for you, please contact To know if your request was supplied as OA, it may instead show as "complete" as its status

completed status

Hitting the "Request Again" button will only request the item a second time, which is an option if your link has expired. Once a document has been uploaded, it is available for 30 days or 5 views/downloads, whichever comes first.

If you need accommodations for the file associated with this request because of how it was sent to us, such as the file needing OCR, please email the ILL office:

Notice: The copied material is subject to the U.S. Copyright Law; further reproduction in violation of that law is prohibited.

See below for an example email that should have been sent to you explaining how to access it: 

Hello John Q. Patron,

The item you requested:

ILL Request Number: 12345678
Title/Journal Title: Journal of the Medical Library Association
Author: Dickens, Charles
Article Title: Article title - lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus odio tortor, sodales sit amet erat vel, facilisis rhoncus metus. Ut convallis libero id justo aliquet, nec aliquam lorem feugiat. Curabitur ante urna, rutrum ut neque non, hendrerit tempus nibh. Nam congue facilisis massa vitae ultricies: nunc ac molestie arcu. Morbi molestie ex nec massa dignissim sollicitudin in nec metus – I.  Morbi vestibulum diam dui, sed pretium est mollis in. Ut sed odio dolor. Vestibulum volutpat ex vitae diam venenatis, sit amet consectetur eros ultricies.
Article Author: Smith, JB
Volume: 32
Issue/No: 3
Issue Date: 2012
Pages: 2-15

is now available for download. If an Article Exchange (AE) system link and password is provided below, you can download the article directly without having to log into your library account (may not be supplied if filled by automation or if this is a system-generated message). 

To download from your library account, select "Available to View" on the right, NOT the title of the material, under the "Requests" tab in your library account at: 

Having issues accessing? See this FAQ:  

Please note the following time constraint:

*Once a document has been uploaded, it is available for 30 days or 5 views, whichever comes first.

Please contact the TCC Library Interlibrary Loan Department @ with any questions. If you need accommodations for the file associated with this request because of how it was sent to us, such as the file needing OCR, please email the ILL office. 

Notice: This material is subject to the U.S. Copyright Law; further reproduction in violation of that law is prohibited.