Answered By Library Staff
Last Updated: Jun 11, 2024     Views: 1372

Printing is available in the library when when the library is open.

See this video for how to print in color at TCC (starts at exact portion): 

To print a document in color, you must set the print options on your computer first then find a printer with color capability. You might identify a color printer with the "C" in the beginning of a model number or just ask library staff. 

Follow the steps below:

1.  Choose SecurePrint on Uniflow from the Print menu (it should default to this). Here is an example of what it looks like in Word:

print option in Word

2.  From Printer Properties, select Auto under Color Mode.

3.  Locate a color printer. Please ask the library staff or call the Student Support Center at 918-595-2000 for the location of a color printer on your campus. 

4.  Login to the color printer by scanning your TCC ID or by typing your TCC ID number and password.

5.  Select to choose your print job within the print list on the touch screen.

6. Choose a print option:

  • Print and Keep to print the document and save it in the print queue for 72 hours. 
  • Print and Delete to print the document and delete it from the list.

7. Log out of your account when finished with printing.