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Answered By Library Staff Last Updated: Jul 23, 2024 Views: 1049
Not all items in the library have the same usage policy because we categorize them differently. There are Circulating, Reference, and Reserve books. Also, if you are faculty or staff you may have more privileges.
Circulating books or items are the most common -- these books may leave the library and be checked out for up to two (2) weeks by students. They may also be renewed twice for two (2) weeks each, as long as no one else is waiting for the book. This means that, in total, a book could be checked out for up to six (6) weeks.
Reference items cannot be checked out but can be browsed in the library. They are shelved in the open collection, typically in their own section, and are for in-library use only.
Reserve items are for in-library use only, and have a checkout period of two (2) hours from the Circulation Desk.
Interlibrary loan items are not items that the TCC Library holds, but are ones that they arranged for you to use or borrow from another library system on your behalf. The TCC Library does not control the due date of those books or any renewal periods that may be granted. Please see the bookstrap or the renewal email for the due dates associate with those special items.
Circulating DVDs check out for 1 week (7 days) and may not be renewed. You may have up to two (2) circulating DVDs checked out at one time.
To renew your book:
- Visit the TCC Library website homepage
- Click on "My Library" Account
- Find the Book you want to renew using the checkmark and click the "Renew" button at the top.
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