Contact the TCC Library
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Answered By Library Staff Last Updated: Aug 13, 2024 Views: 158
We see numerous students at the reference desk or in research consultations who are completely lost when asked to use a database to evaluate the sources they find, or to explore complex topics.
If you have had unsatisfactory experiences with students’ papers in the past, or want them to learn specialized resources for your field, please consider arranging a session. It is much more efficient for us to teach your class as a group rather than try to teach each student individually (often the night before the project is due!). Building in time for research practices within your assignment will help them in their future.
You're invited to schedule a library instruction session for any class you teach that will require students to conduct research or another information-seeking activity. We can also record instruction videos or create custom tutorials based on your assignment(s). You can request the librarian emphasize certain points or address additional topics when you schedule.
Tips to ensure the best and most effective experience for students:
- Library Instruction is most effective when your students have an authentic need to use library resources.
- Make arrangements / schedule early in the semester, but time it so that it falls just as they're getting started on the assignment/project. You might even schedule it so that students have had a few days to try searching on their own.
- Provide the library with information about what the students will need to do - while most librarians will cover the same basics with every class, they will also want to show the resources that will be most helpful for the specific tasks students will need to complete.
- Before the scheduled session, discuss the assignment with your class. Explain to your students why they are coming to the library.
Information about library instruction options can be found by clicking the "Request Library Instruction" link on the TCC Library website.
**We require instructors to attend library instruction sessions with their classes. When you are present and engaged, students are more attentive and engaged.
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