Answered By Library Staff
Last Updated: Dec 19, 2024     Views: 472

Ebscohost databases provide full citation records for articles in many styles which include the title, author, journal, and an abstract/summary of the article. It is good to collect the citation as you collect materials for your research, even if you don't end up using them, so that you don't have to backtrack. But, if you do have to backtrack, never fear! This is how you can get the citation: 

To find a citation, follow these steps:
1. Select an article title from the Ebsco search results after doing a search for it in the database you used. (If you don't remember which Ebsco database you got the material from, search for the article by title in the Discovery catalog and it the result will take you to Ebsco as well, or, search through all Ebscohost databases here).
2. Within the record, find the list of tools that includes a Cite feature on the upper right hand side of the page (looks like a quotation mark as an icon).
3. The Cite tool has a dropdown that will display a citation for that article in a variety of style formats available:

citation popup and where to click

4. To capture the citation, copy and paste into a document to refer back to: 

area to copy and paste