Answered By Library Staff
Last Updated: Jul 23, 2024     Views: 468

Currently enrolled students and all staff may check out books for two weeks with two renewals of two weeks each, for a total of six weeks (as long as no one else has requested the book). Faculty may check out books until the end of the current semester. Currently enrolled non-credit ESL students may check out three books at a time from the circulating collection for two weeks with two renewals of two weeks each, for a total of six weeks. Patrons who are not faculty, staff or current TCC students may use library materials on a more restricted basis. OSU-Tulsa students may check out up to five items at a time for two weeks. OK-Share patrons and TCC Alumni and Friends may check out two items at a time. Persons no longer employed by the College lose their privileges whenever their department removes their employee appointment, the timing of which varies. Adjunct faculty typically only receive privileges during the semesters that they are teaching. 

As a general rule, we ask that you only check out up to 20 items at a time and limit to 5 books on any one subject/topic to allow other library users have access to information as well.

Circulating DVDs check out for 1 week (7 days) and may not be renewed. You may have up to 2 circulating DVDs checked out at one time.  

Reserve books and items are for in-library use only, and have a checkout period of two (2) hours from the Circulation Desk

Interlibrary loan items have due dates given by the supplying library. 

Read the library's circulation policy here.