Answered By Library Staff
Last Updated: Sep 05, 2024     Views: 108

In-Library use is requested sometimes by the supplying library due to the material being rarer or expensive to replace.  

If/when an item is supplied via interlibrary loan (ILL), it may have restrictions placed on it such as "in-library use only." In-library use only treats an ILL item more like a reserve item, but will not be checked out to your circulation account. This means the renewal process for this ILL, should you need it for longer, must be manually placed by interlibrary loan librarians because it is not part of your circulation history. Other library employees cannot do this for you. You can find methods of contacting the ILL staff here and will also be notified via email about how to renew when closer to the due date.

If an item is supplied as an in-library use only ILL, you will be notified via email before it is routed to your pickup location. Staff will have instructions on how to handle the usage of the material listed on a flap of the ILL strap that comes with the item. 

If the material is accidentally checked out to your account, making it appear that you have taken the item out of the library, library staff can contact the ILL librarian(s) and they can reset the material so that it does not show as checked out to you (essentially, adding a hold for the item back onto your account). 

You are free to make copies (within copyright law) and use the material in the library for as long as you need until the due date of the material. We will hold it on the hold shelf until it is due unless the ILL Librarians extend the due date by alerting staff at your pickup location if a renewal is granted.