Answered By Library Staff
Last Updated: Apr 15, 2024     Views: 491

TCC faculty can check out and leave the library with TCC Library Owls. As long as not infringing on faculty use, staff can check out the cameras for outside library use and students can use inside the library. Please contact the campus library where you will be using the Owl to reserve or use.

The Meeting Owl Pro is a 360° camera, mic and speaker all combined into one device that effortlessly plugs and plays into any USB port on your computer. It works seamlessly with Zoom. Stream your entire classroom visually and audibly for your remote students, and make it easy for remote students to communicate with you and your in-person class.


We have 32 Owls total for meeting purposes. Owls are available at all TCC Library locations, and check out is for 24 hours for use on-campus. NE has 7, Metro has 9, West has 5, SE has 11. Please return your OwL to the campus you checked it out from. 

To use the Owl, it must be plugged in via USB and wall outlet. 

Each Owl has a unique name. Come visit Owlbert, Hootie, Doctor Whoo, Hedwig, Owlfred, Archimedes, Owli Baba, Owlice in Wonderland and more in the TCC Library today!

See the links below to more help.