Answered By Library Staff
Last Updated: May 31, 2024     Views: 239

This sometimes happens!


If your item was already overdue and you got a renewal, we might not be able to catch the notice in time to manually sync with the new due date before a notification is sent from the automated system or we might simply miss a renewal that goes through until we check on the ILL side.  

You can confirm the official ILL due date using the "Requests" tab (NOT the "Checkouts" tab) of your Library account. 

Please carefully read the email you were sent that granted the ILL renewal and gave a new date. It will also have this message that explains this possibility: 

Your renewal request for the following interlibrary loan has been approved by the lending library. The new due date for this item is X/X/X. The TCC Library does not control how much time is granted by the lending library. Please note that if the supplying library chose a date that falls on a weekend or Holiday when the TCC Library may be closed, you are still responsible for turning the book in before it is due. Please allow the the Access Services Office time to sync the new due date with our circulation system, which we have to do manually. Until then, please go by this new date and disregard any possible overdue notices based on the previous due date.

Because it is a manual process to sync the two systems (circulation and ILL), overdue notices may still come from the circulation system even though the ILL system has calculated the new due date based on what the lender allows. This usually happens if staff manually choose to email you your circulation history while in your account, thus still showing the circulation system's version of the old due date until it is synced. This is not usually an overdue notice, just a confirmation of what you have checked out and what the circulation system believes is the due date. 

The ILL Office is not notified when a renewal goes through and has to check daily to see what has been approved. Multiple renewals for a single item sometimes slip through our workflow as well, as our dashboard overview makes it appear as though we have already taken care of it from the first renewal. 

The Access Services Office will sync the dates as soon as they notice, but if you would like it fixed right away please contact an ILL librarian. Only Access Services employees like the ILL Librarians have access to the new date information, NOT other library staff or librarians. You will NOT have fines or fees based on this issue. 

Overdue notices

Sometimes overdue notices still go out from the ILL system because it does not sync well with the circulation system. Until the book arrives back to the Access Services Office, it assumes the book or item is still checked out to you. Please carefully read the overdue notice as they contain the following line: 

If it has already been returned, then it simply has not been marked as such in the ILL system (separate from the circulation system), and it will be soon.

Thank you for using ILL. 


Phone: 918.595.7568