Answered By Library Staff
Last Updated: Jun 20, 2024     Views: 407

First, it is important to know what "peer reviewed" means. View this FAQ for more context.

Journal publishers should say on their websites whether articles go through a peer review process, but it can sometimes be hard to find that information if you're not sure where to look. Sometimes websites go down, publishers go out of business, or any other number of factors could keep you from being sure. 

One quick way you can find out whether a journal which publishes refereed, or peer reviewed, content is using the database Ulrich's Web. That link directs you to a url with our proxy, which will prompt you to log in for access. 

What's Ulrich's Web? Check out the Wikipedia article about it! This database will list periodicals and information about them, such as if the publication is peer reviewed.

Once in the database, search for the journal title. Journals that are refereed or peer reviewed have a black and white striped "referee shirt" icon next to their name in your list of search results.

Navigating to Ulrich's Web: Library Home>Articles & Databases>U>Ulrichsweb - Proquest.  


gif showing how to navigate to Ulrichsweb