What's the difference between adapting and adopting OER?


It's possible that you'll find OER content that is a great match for your course, and you decide to use it as is. That is considered an OER adoption. You'll provide a link to the textbook, video, course slides, etc., and students will use it just as they would a commercial textbook or other resource.

It's more likely that you'll find two or three items that, when put together somehow, provide the closest match to what you're looking for to help students master the content of your course. Blending items together in some way to create something new is called an adaptation, and that can be done a few different ways as well. Understanding how those ways are different is important to ensure you're adhering to the open licenses applied to the content. 

The video below outlines some of those distinctions. 

For more on the difference betwen a collection and a remix, see this post.

If using more than one CC-licensed work to remix, this compatibility chart may be helpful:



CC License Compatibility Chart” is licensed under a CC BY 4.0 license


See the links below to learn more!


  • Last Updated Mar 27, 2023
  • Views 55
  • Answered By Amanda Ross

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