What are electronic records?

Electronic Records
Records that are in machine-readable form. Electronic records may be any combination of text, data, graphics, images, video or audio information that is created, maintained, modified or transmitted in digital form by a computer or related system.

Electronic records are important for several reasons:

Efficiency: They streamline data entry, retrieval, and sharing, making it easier for organizations to manage information quickly.

Accuracy: Digital records reduce the risk of errors associated with manual data entry and improve data integrity through better validation processes.

Storage: Electronic records take up less physical space and can be easily backed up and archived, reducing the risk of loss due to disasters.

Accessibility: They allow authorized users to access information from anywhere, facilitating remote work and improving collaboration.

Compliance: Many industries are required to maintain records in specific ways; electronic systems often include built-in compliance features to help organizations meet regulatory standards.

Analytics: Digital records enable organizations to analyze data more easily, leading to better decision-making and insights.

Cost Savings: Reducing paper use and manual processes can lead to significant savings in storage, printing, and administrative costs.

Overall, electronic records enhance productivity, improve security, and support better management of information.


At TCC, Key records are defined as those records identified with retention periods through the General Records Disposition Schedule for the State of Oklahoma. Each key record has it's own, independent amount of retention time, and no College records can be destroyed with out the approval of the Records Management Coordinator and the Oklahoma Department of Libraries.


  • Last Updated Nov 11, 2024
  • Views 60
  • Answered By Andy Taylor

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