Do I qualify for Accessibility Resources accommodations?


Qualifying for accommodations is very individualized. Documentation must be submitted after you request accommodations, the services your receive will be individualized to you. Below is a list of guidelines that your documentation should fall under:

- A diagnostic statement identifying the specific disability(ies), date of the current diagnostic evaluation, and date of the original diagnosis and a description of the diagnostic criteria used.

- Description of the current functional impact of the disability

- How the disability affects your current academic performance 

- Expected progression and stability of the disability 

- Any treatments, medicines, or assistive technology currently prescribed or in use.

- Academic accommodation recommendations needed for the student to participate in class.

- Documentation must be typed on diagnosing professional's official letterhead 

- Must be signed and dated by diagnosing professional and include their credentials 

- An Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or Section 504 Plan will be accepted for verification of disability and academic accommodations 

- Documentation written by family is not accepted 

All documentation will become the property of Tulsa Community College 

  • Last Updated Mar 13, 2020
  • Views 107
  • Answered By Inactive Reassignment

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